Monday, June 15, 2009

The Fearsome Bovine

My son is afraid of cows. I don't know why, but he's made it very clear that cows scare him. Real cows don't seem to bother him. His toy cows make him uneasy, but he still plays with them. The cows in his mind scare the crap out him. He has cow related nightmares about twice a week.

We were talking the other day about cows and he said that they scare him. I asked why and he said that they were coming to get him. Apparently he's old enough to be convinced that cows are out to get him, but not old enough to understand that the idea is absurd.

With the amount of beef and cow related products our family consumes, I'd think that the cows should be afraid of us.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Strangest Farm Ever

Our dinner this evening included rice and sauce. While eating his dinner, Little Jeremiah sang the following version of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm"

Old MacDonald had a rice
With a rice, rice here
And a rice, rice there
Old MacDonald had a rice

A second verse followed but he replaced rice with sauce. Feel free to sing along.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Adventures in Pronunciation

We have been working on the pronunciation of various words. Among them are caterpillar, which becomes "katty-paddle" and lobster which becomes "monster."

I submit the following as evidence.

Friday, January 30, 2009

In Which We Go Clothes Shopping

I took little Jeremiah with me when I went to the mall to shop for T-Shirts. As soon as we got to the first store, he began running around inspecting every item that was in reach. While carrying out his inspection, he provided a running narration (as he does in all aspects of his life) including "Hmmmmmmm" and "This one's cute." This continued the whole time we were shopping, despite my insistence that "Cute" is an adjective for women's clothing.